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Over 40 Different Types of Testing, A Glimpse into Keychron’s Strenuous Keyboard Testings

Over 40 Different Types of Testing, A Glimpse into Keychron’s Strenuous Keyboard Testings

Tis the season for testings. On the last update, we showed everyone the process of making a Keychron keyboard, now we’re putting those keyboards to the test. Before we ship them out to you, we need to verify its durability with a rigorous series of over 40 experiments! Today, we’re showing you just some of those testings to see how they react in extreme temperatures & humidity levels, the longevity of the key switches, the strength of the switch legends, and the overall keyboard resilience.  

We have backers worldwide, so the first testing evaluates how the Keychron keyboard does in extreme weather and humidity conditions to confirm its quality no matter what weather situation it encounters. The chamber simulates temperatures that are as high as 65ºC all to way to -20ºC with humidity levels ranging from 95-50. The keyboard is tested in 4 different temperature and humidity combinations for over an hour in each condition is see how to reacts in the extreme conditions as well during the extreme weather transitions. Rest assure the keyboard you get can last in the hot Sahara desert as well as in the freezing Icelandic winters.

Focusing more on the key switches, the Switch Press test (check the video here) identifies the lifespan of the switches by pressing on them as much as possible using the machine. Although the switch factory already tested themselves, we insisted on testing the switches ourselves too. As you can see from the video, this machine can press the switch 6 times per second, doing that math, that’s around half a million times per day!

But, we didn’t stop there, we also brought an x-ray machine to check the switch quality after. We can now confirm that after both these performance checks, our key switches can last for years to come.

To test the legend’s longevity, we put it through a scrubbing test (check the video here). Watch the following video to see the 500g machine forcefully scrubbing the keycap to see if the legend can be rubbed off. We also tested it with alcohol and an eraser 100 times each. Only those that can survive pass. Try it scratch off the lettering yourself if you want to test it yourself later and let us know!  


The last test we’re showing you today is the classic drop test (check the video here). Things happen and stuff falls and the Keychron keyboard is prepared for those accidental drops. We dropped the keyboard on each of its six sides 60cm high multiple times to assess its impact durability as you can see in the video.


After the extensive series of testings, we are confident in the quality of our product and am excited to get them in your hands. We had a great time designing and making them and am ready to finally send them off to the world soon.


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