All orders will be shipped within 2 business days (exclude pre-orders)

Shipping Policy

Fill in your correct postal address with contact detail including phone number, we can only ship if your address is correct, fill in where ever a place as shipping origin is fine if necessary.


When will you ship the item?

We‘ll ship the item in 1-2 business days and upload the tracking number ASAP, but the time of delivery depends on local delivery speed, which we cannot fully control. 


When will you get the item?

You should get your items within 2-7 business days, and from our past experiences, it may go up to 12 business days for far and remote areas. In order to ensure quick and speedy delivery, all our items will be shipped from our warehouse in Melbourne (unless otherwise stated).


This delivery time frame is used as a general guideline only. Please note that delivery times may vary, particularly during peak periods. And sometimes take a little longer, due to weekends and public holidays or other reasons, please allow sufficient time for delivery.